"I wanted to connect the conversation about the digital workflow with a traditional form, relevant contemporary technologies with the oldest traditions"
'Douglas Tausik Ryder has spent about seven years perfecting his process, using 3D modeling and an industrial CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tool in his studio to create large-scale wood sculptures that reference the female body and other organic forms.
Tausik Ryder creates 3D computer models of the enormous works, which stand up to 9 feet tall — making a digital map breaking down the sculptures into parts he can assemble. He then crafts wooden maquettes and refines them by hand, carving, sanding, shaping each with molding putty, until it suits his vision — all while adjusting the related computer code on the digital model as he goes.
Then he heads into the machine room. In 2005 Tausik Ryder bought an industrial machine that once manufactured aluminum aircraft parts. He rebuilt it, upgrading the electronics, and he’s the only artist he knows who works independently with one, using no outside fabricator, he said. The digital cutting tool carves the individual sections that ultimately make up the work.'
- Deborah Vankin, Los Angeles Times